Finnish Consumption — An Emerging Consumer Society between East and West

Heinonen, Visa; Peltonen, Matti
Title: Finnish Consumption — An Emerging Consumer Society between East and West
Authors: Heinonen, Visa (Editor)
Peltonen, Matti (Editor)
Product number: 9789522225221
Product form: Paperback
Availability: Delivery in 1-3 workdays
Price: 24,00 € (21,82 € vat 0 %)

Publisher: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura
Series: Studia Historica 83
Edition: 2013
Publication year: 2013
Language: English
Pages: 262
Product family: History
Books in English
Treasures from the Book Cellar
Finnish library classification: 36.09 Taloushistoria
YSO - General Finnish ontology: kuluttajatutkimus, kulutus, eetos, kulutustottumukset, tottumukset, kuluttajakäyttäytyminen, erot, kulutusyhteiskunta, muutos, alkoholinkäyttö, arki, populaarikulttuuri, populaarimusiikki, televisio (joukkoviestimet), mielikuvat, pelaaminen, rahapelit, matkailu, suomalaiset, musiikki, tuotanto, vapaa-ajan asunnot, kulutussosiologia, kulttuurisosiologia
Finnish Consumption focuses on Finland as a modernising society between East and West. Comprehensive agrarian heritage and delayed modernisation in the sense of structural change, industrialisation and urbanisation are the central features of Finnish society during the 20th century. The special characteristics in this transformation were manifold influences from both Western Europe and Soviet Union / Russia. Although Finnish consumers eagerly adopted television and private cars, they also kept their saunas, summer houses and fishing ans the favourite hobby.