On the Border of Language and Dialect

Palander, Marjatta; Riionheimo, Helka; Koivisto, Vesa
Title: On the Border of Language and Dialect
Authors: Palander, Marjatta (Editor)
Riionheimo, Helka (Editor)
Koivisto, Vesa (Editor)
Product number: 9789522229168
Product form: Paperback
Availability: Delivery in 7-14 workdays
Price: 45,00 € (39,47 € vat 0 %)

Publ. product code: 1328087
Publisher: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura
Series: Studia Fennica Linguistica 21
Edition: 2018
Publication year: 2018
Language: English
Pages: 259
Product family: Languages
Studia Fennica Linguistica
Books in English
Finnish library classification: 88.2 Suomen kieli
YSO - General Finnish ontology: dialektologia, transnationaalisuus, kielikontaktit, monikielisyys, murteet, karjalan kieli, kveenin kieli, kielen vaihto, slangi, suomen kieli, kielentutkimus, itämerensuomalaiset kielet, suomalais-ugrilaiset kielet
Key words: Slang, minority languages, dialect, Multilingualism, Language Ideology
This volume considers the linguistic borders between a language and a dialect as well as the administrative, cultural, and mental borders that affect the linguistic ones. The articles approach mental borders between dialects, dialect continua, and areas of mixed dialect, language ideologies, language mixing, and contact-induced language change. Karelian receives particular attention, being examined from multiple perspectives with attention to variation, maintenance, and the dialect perceptions of its speakers. Together, the articles paint a picture of multidimensional, multilingual, variable, and ever-changing linguistic reality where diverse borders, boundaries, and barriers meet, intertwine, and cross each other. The combination of the articles also aims to cross disciplinary and methodological borders and present new perspectives on earlier studies.