Literacy Skills as Local Intangible Capital — The History of a Rural Lending Library c. 1860 - 1920

Kotilainen, Sofia
Titel: Literacy Skills as Local Intangible Capital — The History of a Rural Lending Library c. 1860 - 1920
Författare: Kotilainen, Sofia (Författare)
Artikelnummer: 9789522227393
Form: Mjukband
Tillgänglighet: Leveranstid 7-14 dagar
Pris: 47,00 € (41,23 € moms 0 %)

Förlagets identifieringsnummer: 1391391
Förlag: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura
Serie: Studia Fennica Historica 21
Upplaga: 2016
Utgivningsår: 2016
Språk: engelska
Antal sidor: 368
Produktgrupp: Historia
Studia Fennica Historica
Books in English
Bibliotekssignum: 92.8 Finlands historia, lokalhistoria
ALLFO - Allmän finländsk ontologi: kirjastohistoria, kirjastot, maaseutu, kylät, kansanvalistus, kirkon kasvatustoiminta, kansallisuusaate, fennomania, kirjastonhoito, lukutaito, historia
Ämnesord: Lending systems, Literacy, countryside, libraries
This book studies the "grey area" of the success story of rural lending libraries in the Nordic countries through the activities of people's libraries in one area of Central Finland, in the parish of Kivijärvi and its neighbouring parishes. The study explores the influence of social, cultural, geographical and economic phenomena, such as the spread of revivalist movements, on the reading habits of the local population and reveals interesting reasons why the establishment of elementary schools and popular libraries and the growth of functional literacy did not automatically increase the informational capital of the common people of remote regions or lead to their social advancement.

The combination of collective biographical and (transnational) comparative methods with rarely utilized original sources in this study is innovative and has not been used before in Finnish historical research on functional literacy and popular libraries.
This book is primarily intended for academic professionals, but it can also be used as a university textbook.