Nodes of Contemporary Finnish Literature

Kirstinä, Leena
Titel: Nodes of Contemporary Finnish Literature
Författare: Kirstinä, Leena (Författare)
Artikelnummer: 9789522223593
Form: Mjukband
Tillgänglighet: Leveranstid 7-14 dagar
Pris: 45,00 € (39,47 € moms 0 %)

Förlagets identifieringsnummer: 1388637
Förlag: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura
Serie: Studia Fennica Litteraria 6
Upplaga: 1. upplaga, 2012
Språk: engelska
Antal sidor: 199
Produktgrupp: Litteratur
Studia Fennica Litteraria
Books in English
Bibliotekssignum: 86.12 Skönlitterära motivs historia och forskning i dem
ALLFO - Allmän finländsk ontologi: kirjallisuudentutkimus, suomenkielinen kirjallisuus, suomenruotsalainen kirjallisuus, kirjallisuudenhistoria, postmodernismi, kirjallisuus, kaunokirjallisuus, allegoriat, autofiktio, muistelmat, romaanit, perheet, historialliset romaanit, lyriikka, lastenkirjallisuus, nuortenkirjallisuus
Ämnesord: Finnish litarature, Finnish-Swedish literature, history of literature, postmodernism
This book examines phenomena from Finnish and Finnish-Swedish literature written in the years between the 1980s and the first decade of the new millennium. Its objective is to study this interesting era of literary history in Finland and to sketch some possible directions for future development by identifying literary turning points which have already occurred.

The nine articles found in the anthology are written by some of the most prominent literary scholars in Finland. These distinguished authors examine such varied topics as postmodern allegories, feminism, historiography, autobiographic writing, modern subjects in postmodern conditions, metalyrical poetry, realistic involvement in the novel, successful children's literature, and the intertextuality of Sofi Oksanen's famous novel Purge.