The Finnish Case System — Cognitive Linguistic Perspectives

Jaakola, Minna; Onikki-Rantajääskö, Tiina
Titel: The Finnish Case System — Cognitive Linguistic Perspectives
Författare: Jaakola, Minna (Redaktör)
Onikki-Rantajääskö, Tiina (Redaktör)
Artikelnummer: 9789518586466
Form: Mjukband
Tillgänglighet: Leveranstid 7-14 dagar
Utgivningsdatum: 17.10.2023
Pris: 45,00 € (39,47 € moms 0 %)

Förlagets identifieringsnummer: 21791932
Förlag: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura
Serie: Studia Fennica Linquistica 23
Upplaga: 2023
Utgivningsår: 2023
Språk: engelska
Antal sidor: 388
Produktgrupp: Höst 2023
Språk och språkvetenskap
Studia Fennica Linguistica
Books in English
Bibliotekssignum: 14.14 Språk-, kommunikations- och uttryckspsykologi
ALLFO - Allmän finländsk ontologi: suomen kieli, kognitiivinen kielitiede, kognitiivinen kielioppi, semantiikka, sijamuodot, kielioppi
Ämnesord: suomen kieli, kognitiivinen lingvistiikka, kognitiivinen kielioppi, semantiikka, syntaksi
The Finnish language is perhaps best known for its rich case system. Depending on the definition of a case, Finnish has at least fourteen, possibly fifteen or even more cases. This volume is the first comprehensive English-language account of the Finnish case system, focusing primarily on its semantic functions.

This collection of articles presents an up-to-date overview of the Finnish case system, analyses central subsystems within it, and offers data-based analyses of the functions of individual cases. The authors approach Finnish cases from different perspectives within the framework of Cognitive Linguistics. The volume also addresses more general topics, such as the notion of case, questions of polysemy, the traditional division of cases into grammatical and semantic, the relationship between inflection and derivation as well as the role of inflection in the structuring of the categories of adpositions and adverbs.

The book will be of interest to linguists and students as well as to those readers who are not familiar with cognitive linguistics. The analyses presented here will be relevant to anyone investigating the essence of case and the emergence of linguistic meaning.