Novel Districts — Critical Readings of Monika Fagerholm

Malmio, Kristina; Österlund, Mia
Titel: Novel Districts — Critical Readings of Monika Fagerholm
Författare: Malmio, Kristina (Författare)
Österlund, Mia (Författare)
Artikelnummer: 9789522227560
Form: Mjukband
Tillgänglighet: Leveranstid 7-14 dagar
Pris: 45,00 € (39,47 € moms 0 %)

Förlagets identifieringsnummer: 1378810
Förlag: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura
Serie: Studia Fennica Litteraria 9
Upplaga: 2016
Utgivningsår: 2016
Språk: engelska
Antal sidor: 159
Produktgrupp: Litteraturvetenskap
Studia Fennica Litteraria
Books in English
Bibliotekssignum: 86.22 Finlandssvensk litteraturhistoria och forskning i finlandssvensk litteratur
ALLFO - Allmän finländsk ontologi: kirjallisuudentutkimus, suomenruotsalainen kirjallisuus, kaunokirjallisuus, romaanit
Ämnesord: Contemporary fiction, Feminist fiction, Women's and gender studies, girlhood, postmodernism
Finland-Swedish writer Monika Fagerholm is one of the most important contemporary Nordic authors; she is known for her experimental style and visionary descriptions of girlhood.

Novel Districts. Critical Readings of Monika Fagerholm is the first book to study Fagerholm's works. In this edited volume, literary scholars scrutinize the central themes and features that characterize her suggestive works in the light of up-to-date literary theory and introduce new ways to understand and interpret her oeuvre that spans the postmodern and beyond.

The volume enhances the understanding of Fagerholm's fiction; moreover, these articles suggest multiple perspectives on contemporary Nordic literature and ongoing cultural developments. It is of interest to students and scholars in literary and Scandinavian studies as well as women's, gender and girlhood studies.